I woke up this morning determined to get to the bottom of all my various and sundry (hopefully mostly minor at this point) health complaints and spend a year hyper-focused on my goal of optimal health.
Maybe it was my second visit to the ER in a week, this time through the streets of Berkeley in an ambulance that is prompting me to start this blog. Maybe it's the alarming statistics I've unearthed:
First cause of death is cardiovascular.
Second cause of death is cancer.
Third cause of death is iatrogenic, i.e. doctor caused, mostly adverse drug reactions.
My ride in the ambulance was because of an "Adverse Drug Reaction" caused by taking a first dose of nitroglycerin for "angina" which my doctor prescribed. With three perfect EKGs, two great blood pressures, and undetectable levels of triponen later, the ER doc thinks the odds very VERY low that I have heart disease, a 54 year old female with an IMT that's great and no risk factors other than LDL 160 and an HDL of 80-100.
My primary care physician seems hell-bent to get me on statins anyway he can. Obviously this is just his latest ploy. HA!
I do have atrophic gastritis. GI symptoms mimic heart attack symptoms, angina the second doctor explained. Why this was not explained to me by first ER doc and or primary care doc boggles my bean.
Not too much harm done, just a big-alicious bump on my head from fainting to the floor, pooping in my pants and scaring my family and neighbors half to death.
I'm taking Crestor per my primary physician. Of course one of the side-effects of Crestor is abdominal pain. Great. I've had horrible heart burn for two months that continues despite feeble efforts to clear it up and a diet that would make Dean Ornish proud.
Tomorrow I go in for my stress echocardiogram.
For openers, here's my list of ongoing/coming and going complaints and what I'm doing about it currently:
Insomnia for 2 hours in middle of most nights - I live with it because I get a lot of writing done in my head.
Wheat and lactose intolerances - elimination diet
Gout - cherries do the trick for me, fast!
Pressure, squeezing in chest - stress echocardiagram
asthma - B12 and B5 along with a multiple work great for me
Gastritis - Just started Vit A (not beta-carotene because I eat a tremendous amt. of orange veggies and still feel I have a problem. Some people cannot convert beta-carotene to Vit A.) and zinc and calcium. L-Glutamine, just started using pomegranate juice. GLA oil. Ginger and carrot juicing.
Aches in joints - whatever I'm doing is helping tremendously with this too
tight muscles in feet upon awakening - same as above.
Fatigue after eating - same as gastric problems and just started yesterday doing juice carrot and ginger for the next few days to let tummy heal.
Possible arteriosclorosis - from a great book called Reverse Heart Disease Now - garlic, natto, Vit E with some weird tocopherols I never heard of, magnesium with B 6, Crestor 10 mg. Vit K2 with D3, Vit C 1000 mg., Fish Oil, brazil nut for selenium, CoQ10, D-Ribose, Carnatine mix.
Common cold - beta glucans, cat's claw
Stress and asthma, allergies - butyeko breathing method or my version of it.
Now I must get out of my doggy PJs, get dressed and go for zinc, calcium and beta glucans 1/3 and 1/6 to tackle the narsty cold I've gotten from the hubster.
Today I tackle my chronic gastritis and increasing my immune function.
Tomorrow I hope to lay this arteriosclorosis stuff to rest.
Wish me luck.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
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